Entries in PPR Stream (5)


PPR Limelight: Totally Reliable Delivery Service


ith the current state of society and our everyday lives changing, our only way to combat the feelings of uneasiness and stress is for our site to do something we've not done in like six years. That's right, we will be streaming on Twitch tonight! We should be (maybe) live around 8 pm EST jumping into the upcoming title Totally Reliable Delivery Service from We're Five Games and tinyBuild on the Epic Game Store. Hope to see you there!


PPR Presents Limelight: Super Mario Maker-week 1

ey all of you amateur Plumber game curators, have you all been busy slaving away at Super Mario Maker in hopes of creating a memorable, challenging, or downright sadistic level that hope will change someone’s outlook on Mario for the rest of their natural born life?

Or at least something to that effect, and nowhere near as dramatic?

Well then do we have some news for you! Press Pause Radio will be conducting a weekly Twitch stream of Super Mario Maker, starting on Thursday, October 15th at 7:00 PM Pacific standard time, and every following Wednesday up until the middle of November.

Here’s how it works; we want you guys to send us your best levels (or shit, just make some new ones, it’s all good) and then you’ll be able to tune in, to watch us play them! Send any of the levels you got to the email and social network links below!

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!


PPR Presents Lime Light: Popful Mail

It’s that time again, we’re hosting another Limelight stream! This time around, we’ll be playing one of the rarest and more obscure titles within the Sega CD library, Popful Mail! We aim to play from start to finish (or as far as we feel like getting) in Mail’s, Tatt’s, and Gaw’s journey to stop the evil Muttonhead from unleashing a sealed evil on the land once more. Tune in around Sunday, August 19th at 3:00 PM pacific time and join us in the chat on our Justin.TV account or settle in for the stream right here and witness Sean and I as we stumble our way through one of the hardest Falcom titles in existence…


PPR Presents Flash Bang: Yoshi's Safari

We have another game stream night coming up with the very first Flash Bang entry in our Press Pause Radio Presents series. Ser and George will visit the Mushroom Kingdom from an angle involving a view from behind a scope, but not just any old scope -- it's a Super Scope! That's right, we're taking a trip down memory lane to visit Jewelery Land in Yoshi's Safari. Tune in to our Justin.TV page to chat up with us as we stream for you guys, or you can just catch it right here. We're streaming Friday, August 10 at 9:00 PM PST. Have a seat and pretend you're riding your favorite colored yoshi as we shoot down some GOOOOMMBAS!


PPR Presents Lime Light: Dragon's Lair Trilogy

It’s PPR’s premiere game stream with our very first Lime Light! Join George and Catie as they get nostalgic with Don Bluth’s Dragon’s Lair Trilogy for the Wii, the collection includes Dragon’s Lair, Dragon’s Lair II: Time-warp, and Space Ace for all you fine folks over the Interwebz. Grab a drink and chat with us as we stream on Friday, July 27, at 9:00 PM Pacific time. Check out the stream here or head over to our Justin.TV page and chat with us in the Lair!