Entries in vlambeer (5)


PAX East 2014 - Play Play Special: Nuclear Throne

pon my travels through the Indie Mega Booth, I met up with one of my favorite people, Rami Ismail of Vlambeer, so I could check out Nuclear Throne. After some talking, he helped inspire an incredible idea, “Shit, we should totally do a PLAY PLAY of this!” and as it was declared, so shall it be.

I enlisted the assistance of that GWA thug-ass thug Ballsrog, and we gots to playing some Nuclear Throne for y’all; oh, and Rami made sure to hook us up with a ton of codes for the game to give away!

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!


Bullet Heaven HD, Episode 94 - Luftrausers

ou know Ser has been longing for this day. Several articles on PPR, constant training in the original Flash game online, tearful nights wondering when it was finally going to happen... Well, Luftrausers is finally coming home, but was it worth the wait? Watch to find out!

NEW MUSIC BY SER FLASH! The 4th Album, Meteoric, is on sale now for just $7! Support Bullet Heaven HD!

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Bullet Heaven EX Double-Feature

'm clawing back into the saddle to get more content out after being sick and otherwise indesposed... and the first thing I needed to do was get some deets out on a sweet Bullet Heaven Giveaway with special thanks to our friends at Rockin' Android!


For all you Press Pause Radio fans out there, I'll be giving away two copies on our next Non-Gamesclub episode, to keep your feeds open, ears peeled and your Desura windows ready! 


I've been craving Luftrausers now more than ever since I got to play the updated version at PAX East 2013. Luckily, Vlambeer had made a Flash game in 2011 which is what thier upcoming shmupalicious win-nugget is based on, called Luftrauser (without the S.) It's a much simpler game, but the core mechanics are just as solidand every bit as addictive. Oh, and you can play it for free

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QCF: Ridiculous Fishing

lambeer sure seems to have its collective stuff together. Super Crate Box is pretty boss, Luftrausers is shaping up to be one of my favourite games ever, and they recently released one of the more addictive games to show up on the iOS app store: A little thing called Ridiculous Fishing, a sequel to Vlambeer's own previously released free-to-play flash game, Radical Fishing.

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PAX East 2013: The Best of The Indie Mega Booth

ven though the event is still considerably young in comparison to others, the annual celebration of gamers has always been consistent with keeping a routine that’s bordering on tradition. Every Penny Arcade Expo will always be about the individuals who travel from all over. However, the other proverbial half of the show would be the plethora of indie games, and the Indie Mega Booth didn’t pull any stops this year either. Press Pause Radio has scoured the booth to discover the best that it has to offer, and we’re going to cover our experience with you.

Enjoy the best of Indie Mega Booth 2013!

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