Entries in Retro (27)


GDC 2013: Videogame History Museum Highlights

All photos in this interview were courtesy of our friend John Celentano of Unwinnable.com, be sure to check their coverage of GDC too!

ideo game historians and Classic Gaming Expo founders John Hardie, Sean Kelly and Joe Santulli started collecting videogames and related memorabilia before it was cool.

No, seriously. They’ve been at this since the 1980s, way before the thought of “collecting” these products occurred to anyone else. These and other individuals like them searched for every obscure product they could find. No eBay stores. No Craigslist. Just patience, timing, and a constant interest in finding something neat and ever so obscure. Think thrift shop hunting even, only with a few more closed environments and “garbage” nobody wanted anymore. Hell, in once case, another person’s trash became everyone else’s most coveted prototype console: the Sega Neptune.

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PAX East 2013: Ducktales impressions

ostalgia is a tricky beast when it comes to the realm of media. Fond memories are often blinded by rose tinted glasses of grandeur that rests upon those who share this experience on a modern soapbox. Certain properties however, are an exception to the rule, like the Carl Banks inspired Disney cartoon Ducktales which stars the richest duck in the world Scrooge McDuck, and the misadventures he underwent to chase even bigger fortunes with his nephew in tow.

Unlike other contemporaries from its time, Ducktales has charmingly aged and with its legacy, were the much lauded NES titles developed and published by Capcom—This weekend at PAX, The blue and yellow giants, in partnership with WayForward, have announced a remastered revival of the classic and after having some time with it, my six year old inner child and I were able to nod our heads in approval together.

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PPR Presents Lime Light: Gunlord

It’s been a while but Limelight is back! We’re going to stream the latest from NG.DEV.Team, the frantic, old-school inspired Gunlord for the Sega Dreamcast! Take one part Super Turrican, one part Magician Lord, a little bit of Metroid, and you’ve got some bat-shit insanity, ripe for streaming! Tune in around Saturday, October 27th, at 9:00 PM pacific time and join us in the chat on our Justin.TV account or settle in for the stream right here where George and Andrew get down on the get down and might have a couple of brews while they’re at it. 


QCF: Retro City Rampage

I’ll give this to Retro City Rampage; it delivers what it promises. Retro City Rampage begins as the protagonist, Player, travels back in time to the 80‘s -- the time nerds won’t let us forget. Following orders from the crime boss Jester (reference) and the absent-minded Doc Choc (reference), Player must complete a series of missions to rebuild a time traveling Delorean (reference) and return to his own time. Along the way he’ll kill, steal, and quote the hell out of anything that stands in his path.

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PPR Presents Lime Light: Knuckles Chaotix

We’re doing an impromptu Limelight tomorrow night! The game on the green spotlight this time around is Knuckles’ Chaotix for the “tumor” of Sega hardware, the 32X! The game that first featured Vector the Crocodile and all of those other Sonic friends you guys know and hate are here, but you know—are actually cool in this game. Tune in around Sunday, September 8th, at 8:00 PM pacific time and join us in the chat on our Justin.TV account or settle in for the stream right here where George and surprise guest/friend of the show get drunk and play a game that might end up making them hate each other. 


PPR Presents Lime Light: Popful Mail

It’s that time again, we’re hosting another Limelight stream! This time around, we’ll be playing one of the rarest and more obscure titles within the Sega CD library, Popful Mail! We aim to play from start to finish (or as far as we feel like getting) in Mail’s, Tatt’s, and Gaw’s journey to stop the evil Muttonhead from unleashing a sealed evil on the land once more. Tune in around Sunday, August 19th at 3:00 PM pacific time and join us in the chat on our Justin.TV account or settle in for the stream right here and witness Sean and I as we stumble our way through one of the hardest Falcom titles in existence…


PPR Presents Flash Bang: Yoshi's Safari

We have another game stream night coming up with the very first Flash Bang entry in our Press Pause Radio Presents series. Ser and George will visit the Mushroom Kingdom from an angle involving a view from behind a scope, but not just any old scope -- it's a Super Scope! That's right, we're taking a trip down memory lane to visit Jewelery Land in Yoshi's Safari. Tune in to our Justin.TV page to chat up with us as we stream for you guys, or you can just catch it right here. We're streaming Friday, August 10 at 9:00 PM PST. Have a seat and pretend you're riding your favorite colored yoshi as we shoot down some GOOOOMMBAS!


Vintage Play 1

Welcome to the inaugural episode of the official Vintage Play podcast! "The Shmup Duke" Serraxor and Sean from Press Pause Radio have dedicated themselves to becoming time travelers and searching for the best and the worst in retro gaming. This has lead to the creation of a video show and supplemental podcast entitled Vintage Play. On this landmark episode, the two discuss how horrible Shadowgate would be on the Philips CD-i, the awesomeness that is U.N. Squadron and the potential that the recently announced OUYA will bring to the game business. Thank you for checking out the first episode, and come back for much more in our retro travels, and expect guests from Press Pause Radio as well as many more in the gaming community.


Press Pause Radio's Vintage Play focuses on the retro age of video games. Whether it’s special podcasts, editorial, or even reviews, when you see the mark of Vintage Play, you can expect a trip back to the time of plastic cartridges and CD-ROMs (which makes us realize we’re old as shit).


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