Entries in indie mega booth (13)


PAX East 2013: The Best of The Indie Mega Booth

ven though the event is still considerably young in comparison to others, the annual celebration of gamers has always been consistent with keeping a routine that’s bordering on tradition. Every Penny Arcade Expo will always be about the individuals who travel from all over. However, the other proverbial half of the show would be the plethora of indie games, and the Indie Mega Booth didn’t pull any stops this year either. Press Pause Radio has scoured the booth to discover the best that it has to offer, and we’re going to cover our experience with you.

Enjoy the best of Indie Mega Booth 2013!

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Press Pause Radio at PAX East 2013

t's another year, and you guys know what that means? It's another year for events and conferences, including one of our personal favorites: PAX East. From Friday to Sunday we'll be covering a myriad of games and events ranging from indie to blockbuster, and we'll give you the latest and greatest out of PAX East. We're still building our schedules for the event, but just to name a few of the games we'll be providing coverage on: Saints Row IV, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Transistor, most of the Indie Megabooth showcase, and so much more. Due to scheduling conflicts we were unable to properly record our usual prologue episode for PAX East 2013, but we plan on making up for it with a huge podcast come Saturday night. Be on the lookout for it!

If you guys have any specific requests or feedback, be sure to email us at mailbag@presspauseradio.com, and if you guys are going to be there then don't be shy -- come say hello! We're also covering GDC next week, so watch for that as well!

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PAX Prime 2012: Runner 2 Q&A with Direct-Feed of Hands-on Play

This game alone made the trip out to Seattle completely worth it. Watch the video for much more! 

Special thanks goes out to Gaijin Games for providing this test build of Runner 2 for preview, and for taking teh time to speak with us on the show floor! Check back for our full review of Runner 2 when it launches in 2013! 


PAX Prime 2012: Ser Flash's Indie-3 - PAX Edition

We got our game on with a ton of indie games this year in the Indie Mega Booth at PAX Prime 2012. If you haven't read it yet, make your way on over to George and Sean's Indie Megabooth article. All of those games deserve the coverage they got.

But me, I do things a bit differently. Many readers and many more viewers know of my past Indie-3 videos in Bullet Heaven. But now, get ready for Indie-3: PAX Edition! Here are three indiegames in totally different genres that resonated with me in a big, big way.

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PAX Prime 2012: The best of the best at the Indie Mega Booth

This is it, our favorite part of coverage for any PAX; new indie games! PAX Prime 2012 was home to the Indie Mega Booth with over thirty games featured. Never before have we had access to so many different indie titles at once which posed the difficult question as to how to tackle all of these games at once. After much intense nerdy deliberation, we decided to choose twelve of our favorites and the honor of our title for the King of Indie Mega Booth! So without further ado, let’s jump into thick of these modest productions.

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