Entries in PS3 (21)


QCF: Awesomenauts

What the heck is a MOBA? Well, apparently it stands for "Multiplayer Online Battle Arena". I learned something today, because it just so happens to be exactly what Awesomenauts is.

Developed by Romino Games and published by DTP on XBLA and PSN, Awesomenauts is basically an 80's-Cartoon-themed, side-scrolling, run-and-gun-styled online demolition match. Sounds... well, awesome, right? Woah there, just settle in for a bit. We'll get to how awesome this game is in a second. As for anyone looking for an in-depth single player campaign with an involved story? You need not apply. The extent of your single player experience will literally be practice stages versus bots in preparation for actual online play and for the most part, the experience is identical.

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E3 2012: Sony Keynote Live Blog


Bullet Heaven HD Giveaway! -- Bullet Heaven EX

Episode 50 of Bullet Heaven is coming this coming Monday, and Rockin' Android has hooked us up with some great prizes to celebrate! Want in? Watch the video below to find out how! 

NOTE: If you're interested in entering, make sure to enter the contest via the comments section of the YouTube video above! Like what you see here? As always, questions and comments are not only welcome, but encouraged. Remember: Like, Subscribe, Follow and Spread the word!!




Bullet Heaven HD, Episode 43 - Gunstar Heroes

In this episode of Bullet Heaven, we review the series' first run-n-gun, and man, is it a classic! Get ready for Gunstar Heroes! As the legendary Treasure's first ever effort, can it shine as brightly as it did in 1993? Daeruna and I tackle it in HD on the PS3!

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Sony and the Future of Digital Distribution

Members of the gaming community are well aware of the recent events surrounding Sony's PlayStation Network (PSN) and its failure to protect consumer data. Because of this, the public might become a little more wary of digital transactions.

In the past decade, more companies have shifted towards digital distribution. It makes your favorite games easier to buy, while offering opportunities for smaller developers to also publish games. Services like Steam -- possibly the best example of "correct" digital distribution to date -- also allow online shoppers to receive great discounts on many popular titles. Unfortunately, in other cases, it's also giving some publishers and developers more control than most consumers want them to have. Some of the personal requirements are also ridiculous, making it mandatory for users to input vital information if they wish to obtain and download software. 

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