Entries in Indie Games (219)


PAX East 2013: Transistor--Hands-on gameplay

ery rarely does a game come around and convey such a strong sensation of life; a feeling of vibrancy that could compel any number of powerful emotions that you would have never expected to receive from it. Days before the start of PAX East, Supergiantgames recently announced their latest project, Transistor, and that it would be available to play on the Expo floor at PAX East 2013. After spending my time with the current build, I walked away from an experience that imprinted a sense of longing I've never felt from a game, and it has left me shaken.

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PAX East 2013: Press Pause Radio Podcast Special

e’re approaching the last day of PAX East and we’re surprisingly chipper for what we covered so far but it’s a momentous PAX. It’s the first PAX to see an exclusive reveal, with Capcom and WayForward debuting their remake of an NES classic, Ducktales Remastered. Bob Mackey and the gang were able to fund their Retronauts Kickstarter within hours, and when we weren’t playing a lot of games, then we were treated some of the finer citizens in Boston. Special guest Seth Macy of the internet joins us as we gab up the event and recount our plans for Sunday.

If you happen to see us, then don’t be shy! Rate and subscribe to us iTunes today, follow us on our new Twitch page, mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, and be sure to stop by at our Forums and register as well!

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PAX East 2013: The Best of The Indie Mega Booth

ven though the event is still considerably young in comparison to others, the annual celebration of gamers has always been consistent with keeping a routine that’s bordering on tradition. Every Penny Arcade Expo will always be about the individuals who travel from all over. However, the other proverbial half of the show would be the plethora of indie games, and the Indie Mega Booth didn’t pull any stops this year either. Press Pause Radio has scoured the booth to discover the best that it has to offer, and we’re going to cover our experience with you.

Enjoy the best of Indie Mega Booth 2013!

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PAX East 2013: Battleblock Theater--Hands-On Gameplay

his is my third time here In Boston for PAX East. Meanwhile, this is also the fourth time The Behemoth has been showing off their latest and (maybe?) greatest work, Battleblock Theatre. ¬I’ve always been intrigued by The Behemoth and its somewhat askew approach to taking nearly forgotten classic gaming styles and their dead-horse tropes and infusing them with ridiculous levels of crass humour, tough as nails gameplay and hilarious, over-the-top visual elements and animation.

Battleblock Theatre infuses The Behemoth’s secret gameplay and presentation sauce into a puzzle-based action platformer with an emphasis on cooperative play, which I was fortunate to get hands on with alongside level designer Aaron.

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Press Pause Radio at PAX East 2013

t's another year, and you guys know what that means? It's another year for events and conferences, including one of our personal favorites: PAX East. From Friday to Sunday we'll be covering a myriad of games and events ranging from indie to blockbuster, and we'll give you the latest and greatest out of PAX East. We're still building our schedules for the event, but just to name a few of the games we'll be providing coverage on: Saints Row IV, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Transistor, most of the Indie Megabooth showcase, and so much more. Due to scheduling conflicts we were unable to properly record our usual prologue episode for PAX East 2013, but we plan on making up for it with a huge podcast come Saturday night. Be on the lookout for it!

If you guys have any specific requests or feedback, be sure to email us at mailbag@presspauseradio.com, and if you guys are going to be there then don't be shy -- come say hello! We're also covering GDC next week, so watch for that as well!

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Life Through The Pixel Glass-03/07/2013

o we’re aware that LTTPG is late again but with good reason. March is going to be one of the busiest months for us this entire year ladies and germs. March is one of the biggest months for releases between Tomb Raider, Mirrors of Fate, Sim City, Gears of War: Judgment, Bioshock Infinite, Pandora’s Tower, and so many more, it’s a bit much folks. On top of all of that, We have Penny Arcade Expo East and the Game Developer’s Conference coming up side by side so we’re gearing up for a big month of coverage. With that said, let’s just jump into the latest offerings in this week’s LTTPG, hope y’all enjoy!

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QCF: You Have to Win The Game

f you grew up with gaming in the late 80s and early 90s, many descriptions come to mind: simple, colorful, entertaining, addictive, and frustrating. Though the last one sounds rather terrible, it wasn’t – especially after learning certain patters and hints in classic side-scrolling games, because who didn’t like finally becoming the champion after several failed attempts?

The above statements represent everything You Have to Win The Game stands for. J. Kyle Pittman set out to create the perfect throwback of every delightfully addictive yet frustrating game he experienced as a child. With subtle hints of gaming pleasures from everything between the Commodore 64 and the NES, it’s safe to say he succeeded.

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QCF: Dungeonland

 do not enjoy amusement parks. I know that must sound crazy, but hear me out here. You wait in line for hours just for a few minutes of being tossed around in a metal box that can be sometimes a tight fit for people my size. The food is always overpriced, the crowds are unbearable and by the end of the day you just wish that you would’ve spent the day doing something else. Oddly enough, that’s the feeling you may have after playing a few hours of Dungeonland. Although some ideas seem fun and the concept on paper is enticing, it fails to keep the excitement going for very long.

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